In 2022, logistics and fulfilment companies are more important than ever.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, customers across the globe have purchased more and more online. That means that their shipping requirements have increased massively. Here at Kingfisher, we help them meet their ever-growing requirements easily with our self-adhesive labels.

For busy, expanding logistics and shipping companies, simple things like managing deliveries and keeping on top of order fulfilments aren’t so simple. So many orders are flying out of the door every day that there’s potential for things to be lost or overlooked if processes aren’t streamlined and highly effective.

One example of an effective, streamlined process? A sophisticated labelling strategy introduced with the help of the experienced team at Kingfisher.

We’ve been working with major fulfilment businesses for years, and they rely on us for (and are never let down by) our quality self-adhesive labels. Read on to learn more about why labelling can be so important and discover how our labelling solutions can help your logistics business. 

Understanding Effective Labelling in Logistics

Getting all the correct details on a label is priority number one in the field of shipping and fulfilment, and establishing brand identity is priority number two.

Kingfisher Labels can help with both, and we have a clear understanding of why it’s so vital to get those shipping labels right – and right the first time:

  • Communication – People working at online fulfilment centres benefit from clear communication, and easily identifiable products/product labels are less likely to get lost along the way.
  • Productivity and efficiency – If products are labelled correctly, it speeds up the picking and scanning process, as warehouse teams will know exactly where each product needs to go. Better labelling means a more efficient service.
  • Barcoding and tracking – The barcode is usually the most essential part of shipping labels. Barcodes help to track everything as it moves through the supply chain, making finding lost items quick and easy.
  • Improving the shipping process – If labels are clear, durable and properly presented, the entire shipping industry runs more smoothly. Labels that run or are easily damaged can create numerous barriers to fulfilment and delivery.
  • Speedy, simple recalls – The label information is essential if a product needs to be recalled. It helps businesses save money managing recalls if labels are correctly printed, easy to read, and stay attached.

Although those things may all sound straightforward, many fulfilment companies overlook them, and labelling details are left by the wayside. If your business is searching for a supplier of premium quality labels that always get the job done effectively and efficiently, we can undoubtedly assist.

How Can Kingfisher Help Your Fulfilment Business?

We’re proud independent suppliers to some of the UK’s biggest fulfilment companies, and your business could be next. With many products being shipped through our clients’ fulfilment centres daily, Kingfisher’s self-adhesive labels must be suitable for many products. Luckily, they are.

Our state-of-the-art label printing machinery makes programming easy, so any ingredients, details or other information will be presented clearly and intuitively on your labels. Plus, our sustainable labelling solutions don’t compromise durability and quality to bring you eco-friendly options, so you can avoid the plastic packaging tax and upgrade your shipping process simultaneously.

We’re committed to making everything easier for the fulfilment companies we supply. They can count on us for accurate information, clear designs, and quality adhesives.

Always Delivering Quality

From our day-dot food rotation labels to the labels we supply for the healthcare industry, our tried and tested solutions and practices have kept our customers satisfied for years.

The fulfilment and logistics companies we work closely with know that we can deliver on the quality and efficiency we promise 100% of the time. With more investment in great technology and an excellent team hard at work, that will not change any time soon.

If you’d like to hear more about the labelling services we provide to logistics and fulfilment centres, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.